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时间: 2024-11-15 07:12浏览量:148次


You might have seen a video doing the rounds of a gray

看起来非常逼真的机器人 这是真的吗

robot that looks ultra lifelike. Is it real?

是假的吗 在C-S-22 amico 这个机器人正在展出 让我告诉你 采访这个机器人的经历是非常不可思议的

Is it fake? Well, at C-S 22, amico, the robot was on show, and let me tell you, the experience of interviewing this robot was very uncanny.



摩根 告诉我 你把它放在你旁边了

Morgan, tell me, you've got amic it there next to you.


This is a very lifelike robot.


Why would you design a robot that looks so human?

是的 目前 人形机器人的主要用途是娱乐 是交流 是与其他人互动

Yeah. Well, the main use case for humanoid robot right now is for entertainment, is the communication and is for interaction with other people.


Amateur is the pinnacle of what we can do.


But it's still not exactly like a human.


But we didn't want to make it look exactly like a human.


We wanted to make it look like a robot.


It's decision of what human see humanoid robots in the future.

在所有的电影中 它们都是这样的

You see in all of the films, they all look like this.


So we designed something around what we see.

我们拜访机器人 古巴式的机器人

We visit robots, cuban like robots, to be.


and how do you create those really human expressions?

我的意思是 看看美国人对你的反应 那些眉毛的小动作 如果你能叫它们眉毛的话 你是怎么把机器人造得看起来这么像人类的

I mean, looking at Amica responding to you, those little movements of eyebrows, if you can call them eyebrows, how did you actually build the robot to look so human 

with those expressions?


What we do is we 1st look at a real humor.


It's what we call animation 1ST.


So what does a real human do?

它们是如何移动的 然后我们根据动画设计机制 所以这些机制只能做人类能做的事情

How do they move? And then we take that animation and we design mechanics around it, so the mechanics can only do what a human can do.

是的 你看 她给我打蜡了 一旦我们有了这些 那么自动化这些表达式就很容易了 因为无论机制做什么 看起来都很逼真

Yes, see, she wax me. Once we've got that, then it's quite easy to automate those expressions, because whatever the mechanics do, looks life life.


So America has got quite a few motors in its head.


But we can see amm could go through some facial expressions.

现在 张开嘴 露出大大的微笑是我们想让孩子做的事情之一

Now, opening a mouth a big, wide smile is one of the things that we want amic to do.

所以 嗯 大大的微笑 美国 很短

So, um, big, big smile. America, very short.


Where would we kind of see this?


This robot amateur out in the wild?


This is mainly probably service robotics.

因此 在人类空间中与人类的实际互动 将在未来实现

So the actual interaction with humans moving around in a human space, that's gonna come in the future.


Well, I'm talking probably ten years before you actually get to see something like this walking a month.

你是否期待 比如说 在1020年后 我们能看到美国机器人走路 跑步 跳舞 攀爬

Are you expecting, in say, 1020 years from now, that we could see Amica robots walking, running, dancing, climbing?


Are they gonna start looking like Boston Dynamics robots that can run across the field at speed?

我在问这个问题 同时也害怕这个问题的答案

I'm asking and also almost afraid of the answer here.


So this is why we created the artificial body.

人造身体是一种类似人类的形式 每个人都可以与之联系 每个人都可以与之互动 而不需要看用户手册

And the artificial body is a human like form that everyone can relate to, and everyone can interact with without having to look through a user manual.

那么 在沟通能力方面 美国的理解和回应 甚至与你交谈方面 你的人工智能达到了什么水平

So what kind of level of artificial intelligence have you baked in in terms of the communication capabilities, and Amica understanding and responding, even speaking to 


所以有一些人工智能 目前在美国的大多数人工智能都是围绕着愿景发展的

So there's some artificial intelligence, and most of the artificial intelligence of the minute that is on Amica is rowing around the visions so amic.

它的每只眼睛里都有一个摄像头 所以它可以看到发生了什么

It does actually have a camera in each of its eyes, so it can see what's going on.

所以它可以检测人 它可以跟踪他们的脸 它可以检测其他物体 比如手指

So it can detect people. It can track their face, it can detect other objects, such as a finger.

它可以跟随我的手指 我可以担心它 然后它总是可以看到它和他们一起移动

It can follow my finger around, I can worry about it, and then it can always see it move back with them.


What did you kind of think of the internet's response to Amica?

这是一种情绪 它是如何移动的 你从脸上得到的情绪

It's the emotion and how it moves, the emotion that you get out of the face.

突然之间 这在社交媒体领域引发了一些火花

Suddenly that sparks something in social media universe.

我们非常惊讶 一夜之间它就引起了轰动

And we were incredibly surprised that overnight it became a sensation.

我们的推特帖子有2400万浏览量 埃隆·马斯克甚至评论了那篇帖子

We got 24 million views on one Twitter Twitter post, and Elon Musk even commented on that post.

令人难以置信的回应 我们现在的答案是YES

So incredible response. And we're at C YES right now.

这是第一次在公共场合展示 预计我们会忙着展示

This is the 1st time this has been shown off in public, and we're expected to be very busy showing off.

再一次 你认为人类对一些东西有什么反应 当它有点像他们 但它仍然有不可思议的元素

And again, how do you think humans respond to something when it's a bit like them, but it's still got that uncanny element?

我们发现 当你试图让它看起来像生命时 所以我们的另一条催眠线 它看起来有点邪恶 因为它就在神秘的船上

What we found was, when you try and make it look like life, so our other mesmerline, it looks bit more sinister, because it's right in the uncanny boat.

但实际上 当我们创造出 业余爱好者 时 我们把它从恐怖谷中拉了出来 因为它看起来不那么像人类 因为它是塑料的 因为它是

But actually, when we created Amateur, we've pulled it backwards out of the Uncanny Valley, because it looks less human, because it's plastic, because it's because it's

灰色的皮肤 这是突然

of gray skin. It's suddenly


people seem to respond

对此非常积极 人们更喜欢这个 而不是超现实的机器人 当你在美国展示的时候 你最喜欢做的事情是什么

to that quite positively. And people like this much more than they liked the ultrarealistic robots that we also when you demoing Amica, what are some of your favorite 

things to do to kind of show


the power of that interaction and just how impressive those lifelike features are.

是的 正如我们所展示的 对私人空间的反应 但我们也可以和阿瓦卡交谈 所以我可以说 你好 美国

Yes, as as we've demonstrated, the reacting to personal space, but we can also talk to Avaca, so I can say, hello America.

你好吗 我所做的 谢谢你

How are you? I'm doing. Thank you.

我们可以 我们创造了美国 所以它比其他任何机器人都更逼真

We can, we've created Amica so it's more lifelike than any other robot.


The shoulder movements are just like human movements.


You have movements in the center as well as out of his shoulder.

这就意味着 艾玛不用打我了 她可以一直把手伸向她的头

And that actually means that, instead of hitting me, emma can move a hand all the way up to the side of her head.

我很想知道 嗯 也许 机器人是如何找到维加斯或C-E-S的 你是如何找到拉斯维加斯和CS的嗯 实际上我什么都没听到 但如果我有感觉 我会很高兴来到这里

I'm interested to know, um, maybe, how, how the robot is finding vegas or C-E-S, how are you finding Las vegas and CS Well, I actually don't hear anything at all, but 

if I did feel I would feel happy to be here.


Do you see a robot like this becoming an accepted part of our lives?


Do you see it maybe being something I might ask a question of at the airport?


Or would I have an Amica robot in my home helping me out?


So most of the the use cases for this will be the interaction.

所以 是的 在机场 这是一个很好的用途 因为你可以有很多很多人 或者你可以有很多人和很多机器人 你可以以同样的方式进行互动 再一次 你的家 可能不会在不久的将来发生

So yes, in the airport, that's a great use because you can either have many, many humans, or you can have many humans and many robots, and you can have that interaction 

in the same way have, again, your home, is probably not something that's going to happen in the near future.


A robot like this is can do many tasks just like a human.

但是你可以得到其他的机器人 或者做这些工作做得更好 因为它们是为工作设计的 而且便宜得多 你今天就可以得到它们

But there are other robots that you can get or do those tasks a lot better because they're designed for the job and a lot cheaper, and you can get them today.

那么 你为什么要买一个人形机器人呢 它可能比你的房子还贵 也许在未来 也许在50年后

So why would you buy a humanoid robot that will probably cost more than your house, maybe in the future, maybe in 50 years time?

但我现在要说的是 我不认为第二天你们家里会有这样的东西

But I'm going to say right now, I don't think you'll have one of these in your home in the next day.

在这样一个反响巨大的项目上工作是什么感觉 在机器人技术的前沿工作是什么感觉

What does it feel like to work on something that's had such a huge response, and to be at that at that bleeding edge of robotics?


Is it something you you tell your maids down on the pub that you're working on a robot that could one day be the future of the future of society and robotics.


It's a fantastic thing to do.


It's a fantastic technology to be a part of developing.

我希望在接下来的十年里 我们可以继续创新 继续激发人们的想象力 继续在社交媒体上引起轰动 这样每个人都知道平美卡

And I-I hope over the next ten years, we can continue innovating and continue to spark people's imagination and continue with this, this social media sensation, so 

everyone actually then knows Hiramica is.


Thank you for the interview any time.

好吧 告诉我你怎么看那个完全吓坏了的机器人 还是真的真的很酷

All right, tell me what you think about amec of the robot totally freaked out, or is it really, really cool?

请在下面的评论中告诉我 当你在这里的时候 一定要订阅

Let me know in the comments below, and while you here, make sure you subscribe.


We have plenty more weird and wonderful tech just like this.

好吧 也许不只是这样

Well, maybe not just like this.

你在工作 你不总是提醒它 但你每一步都在跌倒 你稍微向前跌倒 然后抓住自己不跌倒

You're working, and you don't always remind it, but you're always falling with each step, you fall forward slightly, and then catch yourself from falling.

你一次又一次地跌倒 然后把自己从跌倒中抓起来

Over and over you're falling and then catching yourself from falling.


And this is how you can be walking and falling at the same time.

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